Beyond Identity

Beyond Identity
Press and public relations
Project summery

As an innovative and fast-growing cybersecurity company, with a strong track record in the US, Beyond Identity was looking to quickly gain traction in the European market, too. In 2021, the provider of a groundbreaking unphishable MFA platform decided to use public relations as a key part of this strategy and appointed Weissenbach PR to handle its PR activities in the German-speaking region.


Before starting to work with Weissenbach PR, Beyond Identity had very low media presence in the DACH region but was keen to ramp its coverage up to the next level.


“When new technologies and security approaches are introduced, simple explanations of the technical background and the benefits for users are needed. For years, I have enjoyed working with Code Red Security PR because they deliver just that and provide me, as a journalist, with access to new topics.”

Ralf Ladner

Chief Editor at NetzPalaver

Activities and Results

(July 21 – July 22)

Bylined Articles (Content Creation und Placement)
Press Releases and Media Alerts
Total Online and Print Coverage
Award Applications
0 %
Share of Voice in Competitive Market

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